New Free Pulse Check: Is Agile Having the Impact You Intended?

What's your Agile Impact? Stop Guessing. From measurement strategies to coaching assistants, LAI provides the tools to optimize your Agile journey.

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"Actionable Insights for Every Level of the Enterprise"

improvement model gather insights

Intelligence for Every Level of the Enterprise

Lean Agile Intelligence Dashboards provide users with multi-level actionable intelligence that enables leaders, coaches, teams and individuals to make data-driven improvement decisions and measure progress over time.

For Leaders

Get to the heart of what's blocking value delivery with our aggregate rollups and varied dashboards. Eliminate the noise and put a spotlight on the problems that really matter.

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For Coaches

Adopting new ways of working requires coaching, and lots of it! The Lean Agile Intelligence Group Heatmap Dashboard helps coaches optimize their time by providing intelligence to help identify which teams require the most assistance. "Group" aggregate results can be leveraged to identify patterns across teams so that they can provide training and coaching in focused areas.

For Teams

The Lean Agile Intelligence Coaching Assistant uses desired outcomes as input to help teams decide where to focus their improvement efforts. Through dashboards, teams can see trends in their skills and pinpoint what's causing issues.

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For Individuals

New ways of working requires different roles, many of which are not familiar to those taking them on. Lean Agile Intelligence enables individuals to reflect on the role’s core competencies and provides the intelligence to help fuel a growth plan.

Accelerate The Impact of Your Transformation