Focus on Outcomes: Our platform enables organizations and teams, to assess, improve, and measure the capabilities that are most critical to their success, tailored to their specific context and goals.
Flexibility: A wide variety of Multi-level Out-of-the-Box assessments are offered, but if they don't fit your unique needs, templates, and capabilities can be customized to ensure the assessments create value-add.
Multi-Level Insights: Aggregate results reveal key patterns impeding value delivery that can be tackled at scale and enable data-driven decision-making.
Improvement Actions: Structured assessment criteria and extensive learning resources drive actionable steps toward value delivery.
Facilitator Enablement: No certification required! Our intuitive interface and guided facilitation is all facilitators need to keep it simple, and be successful.
Value at All Levels
Organization Benefits
Provides leaders a tool and intelligence that serves as a foundation for data-driven decisions, alignment, and focused improvement investments
Customize templates to align growth and measurement to organization strategy and objectives
Show progress of the new ways of working adoption using a scalable system of measurement that includes leading and lagging indicators
Highlights systemic impediments and enterprise capabilities that require attention
Accelerates feedback loops and growth opportunities for teams and employees
Fuels the alignment of team goals to the company objectives and desired transformational outcomes
Identifies what teams & individuals need assistance and on what topics so coaches can optimize their time
Presents a scalable coaching approach with standard documentation and examples
Fuels sharing of solutions amongst teams and drives a culture of learning and growth
Team Benefits
Make Assessments Fun! Self-Assessment Poker is a new and engaging approach to assessments
Allows a comprehensive quarterly self-reflection on their Agile practices and provides the steps necessary to improve
Provides a way to identify and measure improvements
Provides facilitators the tools they need to drive the right conversations, maintain safety, and keep the team honest
Provides insights on what practices and behaviors may impact metrics and helps prioritize improvements
Provides a forum for teams to flag systemic issues, and request leadership’s assistance
Provides virtual coaching and easy access to helpful resources to make teams self-sufficient
Helps teams associate improvement actions from the assessment with appropriate backlog items
Individuals in Key Role Benefits
Enables them to reflect on their competencies and receive feedback from others using 360º assessments
Helps prioritize improvement items on a growth plan
Help align their goals with those of the team and the organization
Provide access to resources to accelerate learning
Open Assessment
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