Custom Metrics Enhancements

Our latest release is now available and you can find great enhancements to our Custom Metrics, Results Filtering, and more!
Revamped Custom Metrics
Our Custom Metrics functionality has been greatly expanded to include centralized definition, the storing of metric history, and intelligent display of metric trends.
The centralized definition allows Admins to add/edit/delete, as well as activate/inactivate metrics across the entire Organization. The Metric Name and Unit are editable in this screen.
After defining metrics, any Admin, Super User, or Facilitator can enter the metric values for the teams they are assigned to at the bottom of the Insights Canvas. After entering values, trends, tables, and charts can be viewed.
New Results Filters
Two new Results Assessment Filters are available - Date and Entity’s Assessment Count.
Use Date to include only assessments before, after, or between two dates
Use Entity’s Assessment Count to include only assessments that belong to Entities that have completed less, more, or between two number of assessments
Assessment Management
Used template can now be deleted. This allows you to clean up your old, unused templates that you still want to keep Results for, but never want to use in an assessment in the future.
Deleted templates are not visible for editing or launching assessments. But assessments already launched work as normal and Results will continue to be displayed.
This unlocks the ability to delete used Practices also. Deleted practices are not visible in the Practice Catalog but will continue to appear in Results.
Assessment History table features
To create consistency with our other tables, we have added a few features to Assessment History.
Assessment History “Show X entries” lets you choose the table page size
Assessment History Excel and CSV export now available