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Unlock More Collaboration and Flexibility with Our Latest Updates

public assessment capability assistant

We are excited to unveil new features designed to enhance your assessment experience and provide our partners with unparalleled customization options. From returning to your completed assessments with ease to tailoring partner public assessments to better reflect their brand, these updates are all about improving usability and flexibility.

Discover what's new with our latest enhancements and how they can transform your interaction with our platform.

🔗 New Feature: Participant Assessment Results Link

Imagine you’re in a retrospective, sifting through challenges and successes, and you recall a specific capability your team assessed with LAI months ago. This capability was identified as a critical area for improvement to achieve your team’s top priorities. Instead of relying on your memory to recall, you can simply refer back to the link emailed by LAI after completion of the assessment. Within moments, you're reviewing your completed assessment results, equipped with the detailed insights needed to inform your team's plan moving forward.

Feature Functionality

After completing an assessment, participants will now receive a dedicated link to access their results anytime, anywhere. This enhancement is designed to keep your assessment outcomes within easy reach, making it simpler than ever to reflect on your progress and plan your next steps.

Key Benefits

  • Never Lose Sight: Participants often seek to revisit their assessment results for various reasons, from self-reflection to strategic planning. With this new feature, there’s no need to remember or manually save your results. Access is seamless, ensuring you never lose visibility into the valuable feedback you received.
  • Instant Recall: In dynamic environments where quick access to past insights can guide decision-making, this feature becomes an indispensable tool. It empowers you to retrieve and leverage your assessment results precisely when you need them the most.
  • Ease of Use: For participants who provided an email during the assessment experience, a direct link to the completed results will be sent, making it as convenient as possible to revisit and utilize the insights gained.

How It Works

  1. Complete Your Assessment: Engage with our carefully designed assessment to evaluate your capabilities or those of your team.
  2. Receive Your Link: Upon completion, you’ll automatically be provided with a link to your results. Additionally, if you opted to include an email with your assessment experience, this link will also be sent to your inbox.
  3. Access Anytime: Use the provided link to revisit your results whenever you need them, as often as you like.


This feature is a testament to our commitment to providing tools that are not only insightful but also practical and user-friendly. Now, with your assessment results always within reach, you’re better equipped than ever to take those next steps towards improvement and success.

🌐 Public Assessment Customization For Our Strategic Partners

Public assessments are assessments available only to our Strategic Partners that can be run at any time. Now, public assessments are also customizable allowing our Strategic Partners to showcase unique services with a customized assessment or in a marketing role aiming to captivate more audience.

  • LAI Strategic Partners - Sales: Use custom assessments to characterize your client’s current state, which may indicate a need for your offering or progress over time.
  • LAI Strategic Partners - Marketers: Leverage customized assessments in your campaigns to attract and engage potential clients, providing them with a branded, interactive evaluation tool that sets you apart.


Make it Yours

Own your assessment process like never before. With the Customizable Public Assessment Partner Landing Page and Assessment Experience, you're not just conducting evaluations; you're providing a fully-branded, interactive, and tailored experience that elevates your services and delights your clients.

Our partners now enjoy unprecedented control over the public assessment interface:

  • Customizable Landing Page: Tailor the title and description to better align with your branding and assessment goals.
  • Zoom Integration: Add a link to schedule Zoom calls directly from the assessment page, facilitating real-time interaction and support.


  • Dynamic Feedback Messages: Set up custom messages that appear based on the assessment scores, providing personalized feedback instantly.


  • Capability Template Assistant: Access our assistant right in the public assessment to guide you through creating effective templates.

The Public Assessment, available for our strategic partners, is more than a tool; it's an extension of your brand and a potent addition to your professional toolkit. Ready to create an assessment experience that aligns with your brand and exceeds your goals? Schedule a call now to discuss! 

💌 Your Feedback Drives Us Forward & Other Updates:

  • Enhanced Consent Options: Participants can now opt in or out of marketing emails at the point of email collection, respecting user preferences and compliance requirements.
  • Larger Font Sizes: Our interface now features larger, more readable text, making it accessible to a broader audience and improve readability

These updates are just the beginning! We're dedicated to continuously enhancing our platform to meet your needs, and constantly working on something very exciting behind the scenes. Explore the new features and let us know how they transform your experience. Your insights are crucial to our ongoing innovation.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates to come! Join our monthly community newsletter here for a sneak peek.

Accelerate The Impact of Your Transformation